This Inner Light Healing Group is all about providing cost-effective energy healing so it is available for everyone.
This is a group for all those interested in getting together to experience some spiritual healing of mind, body and spirit and finding and shining their own Inner Light in the World in these difficult times.
I have been a Spiritual Healer for over 40 years, I trained as a Spiritual Healer at the Spiritualist Association of Great Britain after training in Remedial Massage and Reichian bodywork techniques, Pulsing and Postural Integration with their creators.
in each of the group events I will lead you through a mixture of guided healing meditations and exercises and give you spiritual healing.
These will be wonderfully restorative sessions designed to make your Inner Light shine more brightly.
The in-person group will meet at The Yoga House, which is a peaceful place, used for yoga classes and events, not far from the Pantiles in Tunbridge Wells, overlooking beautiful woodland.
I’m also planning international online events using Zoom.
Please join the Group by emailing me at Bill.c@innerlighthealinggroup.com
Thanks for reading!